August 26, 2015

Your body is your closest friend!

Hey guys! 

Today I want to talk about a topic, that's very important to me, because I believe that most of us are not practicing enough self-love. For me, this lifestyle is so much more than just diet, it's also about reconnecting with your best friend - your body. I myself never realised, that there is a very special friend within me. That may sound so weird, but please take the time to read this post. In my opinion, this way to see your body is the key to success, not only on this lifestyle, but also in your every day life and also the key to happiness and self-love.

I personally experienced a significant shift in the way I see my body and also in the way I evaluate body weight. Of course I also have some moments every now and then when I am not 100% loving my body, but I am at a point now where I want to have a slim body of course, but at the same time I trust my body that if I give it the right foods, it is going to help me become the best version of myself. It's basically like winning a new best friend that was always with you, without even noticing it. I mean this close friend, the closest one you can possibly have actually, he is making all your muscles work in order to make it possible for you to reach your train when you're in a hurry or in order to make you achieve your fitness goals. He's working for you all the time, even if you're hurting him, making him starve, setting him under extreme pressure or saying that you hate him. He always wants you to feel the best and keeps going even if you don't even say: "thanks" once and blame him for your own faults. It is unbelievable, how people starve their bodies and do extreme exercise at the same time and still hate their bodies because their weight loss takes too long and they've still got their muffin tops, instead of being fucking thankful for what it does for them eventhough it has to suffer from the terrible conditions they effected. You have to see your body as a team parter, it's not working against you! It's always trying to make the best out of every situation, if you're having junk food all the time, you're literally torturing your body. You're not giving it the nutrients and the energy it needs to work correctly, so if you get terrible break outs on your face after having a fatty burger, appreciate that, because your body is probably trying to detoxify you! If you're gaining weight, because you restricted on food for a long time, don't judge your body. You have hurt your body and it wants so simply make sure that you have enough saved energy for the next time of starvation. I'm also still having to deal with acne, but I know that my body does it's job and that it simply still wants to detoxify me or has any other good reason for what it does. That's what you always have to keep in mind, whatever your body is doing, it is just for you and you should appreciate it! On the other hand, your body is not supernatural and at one point it might collapse which is the case with cancer and many other diseases. What I eventually want to point out is that every single one of us should love his/her body no matter what it looks like. Most of the time, it is our own fault that we don't look the way we'd like to look and we simply have to give our body the love and the energy it needs to work correctely in order to enable it to work with us towards our goals! 

What is also important to understand, is that if your body isn't happy, you can't be happy and if your body gets no energy, you can't be energetic. The way you treat your body has an immense effect on your mind and your personality. That's why eating the right foods changes your quality of life so much since that's one of the best things you can do for your body and therefore for your overall happiness!

Lisa <3

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