July 31, 2015

cauliflower-tomato sauce recipe

Hey guys, well this recipe is inspired by the cauliflower recipe by stephsplate, so definitely check out her great recipe video as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BDhD2F75P8 . I totally love to have this sauce with pasta, it's so good. You have to try it! :)

July 29, 2015

15 month on a hclf vegan diet - body update || weight gain || exercise routine || calories

Hey guys!

I've been planning to make a Blog post about my experience with weight gain and unlimited calories on this lifestyle for quite a long time now. A while ago, I already made an Instagram post about it and I think I'm gonna use the text I wrote back then and just add some more informations about what exactely I'm doing right now, how much I'm eating and also about my exercise routine. So, if you're struggling with weight gain on this lifestyle, you might be interested in my opinion on this topic after 15 month of living this lifestyle. So, here we go...